Community Engagement and Implementation Science Task Force

The Community Engagement and Implementation Science Task Force closely partners with funded studies to provide support and guidance on community engagement and implementation science. They review study protocols, help integrate community engagement principles, and guide researchers in designing and scaling interventions to address health disparities. They also provide best practice resources for a handbook and create checklists for each touchpoint, including a customized protocol review form.

Lisa Goldman Rosas

Lisa Goldman Rosas, PhD, MPH

Nathalie Moise

Nathalie Moise, MD, MS, FAHA

Laura Balis

Laura Balis, PhD, MS

Fran Berg

Fran Berg, PhD, MEd

Carolyn Cannuscio

Carolyn Cannuscio, ScD

Mark Fleming

Mark Fleming, PhD

Clarissa Hsu

Clarissa Hsu, PhD

April Oh

April Oh, PhD, MPH

Kristen Underhill

Kristen Underhill, JD, DPhil

Lesli Skolarus

Lesli Skolarus, MD, MS

Sarah Stotz

Sarah Stotz, PhD, MS, RD, CDE

Olajide Williams

Olajide Williams, MD, MS

Jennifer Woo Baidal

Jennifer Woo Baidal, MD

EJ Cheon

EJ Cheon

Common Measures for AHA Health Care by Food Funded Studies

Central to the American Heart Association's Health Care by Food  initiative is the integration of evidence-based practices and measurable outcomes. To track progress and impact, the initiative developed a set of Common Measures, a standardized set of metrics designed to facilitate the comparison of data across food is medicine research.

Shared metrics are vital for pooling data across studies, to produce more generalizable insights and to allow for more comparability between studies, moving us toward a better understanding of the effectiveness and cost-effectiveness of interventions.

To improve fidelity for merging data sets and facilitating use of the common measures, an accompanying code book (XLSX file) was designed and is available for use.