Linking Programmatic and Contextual Factors with Improved Food is Medicine (FIM) Engagement Across the U.S.


The proposed study will augment GusNIP PPR’s national project-level and participant-level core metrics data with new quantitative and qualitative data. Specifically, it will collect new detailed data about intervention characteristics and implementation strategies from over 100 GusNIP projects across the U.S. It will use this new data to identify project characteristics, strategies, and contexts associated with high levels of participant engagement. This study will leverage projects’ heterogeneity as a strength, moving beyond the assumption that simply offering free or subsidized healthy food will necessarily result in high levels of program uptake.

Project Details

Principal Investigator

Dr. Chris Long

Co Principal Investigator

Eric Calloway


Victoria “Vicki” Zigmont
Bailey Houghtaling


Elise Mitchell
Gabi Talavera


The Rockefeller Foundation

Estimated Timeline

Feb-2024 - May-2025