Groceries for Residents of Southeastern USA to Stop Hypertension (GOFRESH Southeast)


This study aims to build upon the GoFresh trials, a telehealth-based intervention developed in collaboration with the American Heart Association to reduce blood pressure among Black families in Boston. The intervention involved customized low-sodium, high-potassium groceries, dietitian counseling, and video content from Black chefs. The current proposal seeks to test the feasibility of a scalable, virtual adaptation of GoFresh that could be implemented nationwide. Using the RE-AIM framework, the study will evaluate

  1. the reach and sustainability of a referral strategy through digital recruitment or partnerships with national insurers,
  2. the adoption and delivery of culturally-adapted, home-delivered groceries, and
  3. the feasibility of home-based blood pressure, weight, and cholesterol monitoring to assess intervention effectiveness.

Project Details

Principal Investigator

Dr. Stephen Juraschek


Walmart Foundation

Estimated Timeline

Jan-2025 - Sep-2026